National Cannabis Summit Opens National Dialogue

The first-ever National Cannabis Summit took place this August in Denver, achieving a major goal – to open thoughtful, measured, and science-based discussion about the impact of marijuana policy on public health and safety. Over 500 people attended the summit, hailing from 43 states and Canada and representing a wide range of institutions, from academia and advocacy to military, government, and healthcare. Response was overwhelmingly positive with a focus on the quality of conversation, dialogue, and exchange.

For those interested in learning more, video recordings of the plenary sessions are available on the National Cannabis Summit website. Also, Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. recorded additional popular workshops. Handouts for the presentations are also available.

Organized by Advocates for Human Potential, Inc., National Council for Behavioral Health, and Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, the summit aimed to provide a neutral forum for examining and discussing topics from youth prevention and drugged driving to substance use disorder and medical applications. Stay tuned for more as we continue the conversation and plan for the 2018 National Cannabis Summit.

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Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) creates powerful solutions to improve health and human services systems. By partnering with the federal government, states, municipalities, healthcare systems, and nonprofits, we help people experiencing the greatest disadvantages lead full and productive lives. We are national leaders in training and technical assistance, research and evaluation, publishing, and dedicated consulting. On issues from workforce development to mental health, substance use disorders to housing and homelessness, we help our clients enhance behavioral health care through systems change. AHP was founded nearly 40 years ago to develop solutions for some of the biggest social infrastructure challenges across the nation. Our company has offices in metro Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Find out more at

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